Unleash your personal optimization power, aligned with your core values.
I am a compassionately candid transformational wellness coach, with a PN1-NC Nutrition Coach certification. Whether you seek guidance on a short term issue you are dealing with, a lifestyle transformation, or something in between, I will simplify the ways that you can reach your destination and achieve positive outcomes. Allow me to remove the complexity from the challenges you face right now.
I have been saying for a while that we are at the most important point in human history, where a) enough information has become known, studied, researched, and aligned with historical knowledge; b) that such information is accessible to most all humans via cell phones or other internet capable devices; and c) the vast majority of us generally agree on the ways we need to move forward for the betterment of our lives and our communities.
Currently we are operating in a perceived complex and often confusing timeframe- that I have called The Tidal Wave of Modern Day Life- where most everyone talks about being SO BUSY so often, and being overwhelmed with so much information that they do not know what to believe- or how to easily apply it to their lives. I can coach you on time test traditional wellness methods that can help you save time in your life, organize & approach it in ways that serve your higher purpose, connect you to a referral network of wellness specialists and insightful resources, and guide you to achieve your goals without any unbearable complexity.
One of my very few traits I proudly & publicly proclaim is my ability to relate to anyone, and I look forward to empowering you to be the most incredibly capable human that you are.
My coaching website will launch very soon, stay tuned...