- Raised in rural Iowa farming community
Importance of traditions, family, food, unity, and common sense values
- "Work Hard, Play Hard"
- Athletic upbringing, leadership in sports
-Graduated with Honor's, with final project being: Effects of Technology on Future's Society
- moved to KC after college graduation
- IT Consultant & Project Manager at Cerner
- Focus on alpha projects & scalable systems
- 3 years living & working in London, England
- Traversed 20+ countries (many multiple times)
- Wellness Program Implementation Manager for 10 years
- Strong faith, church speaker & volunteer
- My personal wellness journey begins...
- Bought 1st rental property 2009
- Created real estate investment company Grateful Green Trails in 2012, delivered monthly distributions & doubling investor investments.
- Business and property management, customer service, handyman work.
- My own personal living lab to test My Mission
- public Declaration of Independence readings
- Founder/Owner Kansas City Wellness Club
- Developed holistic wellness center & event space during worldwide economic shutdown and toughest years ever for small businesses
- Best in City Award, 1st year in operation, 2020
- 5 star business on Google (500+ reviews)
- Transformed lives, established concept, built Mission momentum
We all have cell phones- otherwise known as world encyclopedias- on us pretty much at all times. There is so much information out there, and it can be overwhelming. Information needs to be free flowing, so you learn and understand all the options & perspectives...yet presented to you in a way that you can quickly & easily understand it, and determine next steps.
Simplified & dynamic wellness plans tailored to your specific situation, needs, and goals. Plans that carry the least amount of risk, and therefore are rooted in natural, earthy, local, and incremental solutions. Optimize your time management around your priorities.
Guide you to ideal businesses & service providers that are aligned with your goals for targeted enhancement of your health & beauty needs, to achieve the shared common goal of reaching the healthiest & happiest & most beautiful & peaceful & least stressed/rushed version of yourself.
Creating repeatable systems towards accommodating your 80-90% weekly food needs, within organic or cleanly grown food, nutrition-optimized and aligned with your taste preferences. Save you time from researching, shopping, and preparing those foods. Help farmers connect to the market, and help the market connect to local farmers in ways that are win/win for everyone.
Creating repeatable systems towards accommodating your functional home or new clothing needs, aligned with your style preferences. Help local clothing businesses connect to the market, and help the market connect to local clothing businesses in ways that are win/win for everyone.
Center around Local, Planet Friendly, Truthful, Kind, Self Sufficient, Unifying principles to improve our health, strengthen our immune systems, and create resiliency towards that which we care the most about- our body, our family & friends, and our community where we live and work.